Load Sensing System
The Bromma Container Weighing system weighs containers with high accuracy as part of the normal lifting cycle. The application can weigh individual containers when lifted, even in twin-mode. The system and weighing process will have no effect on transportation resource needs and operational flows in the terminal. In addition to container weight and momentary load, the system also measures eccentricity, i.e. detecting where the center of gravity of the loaded container is. Warning and alarm levels can be set based on eccentricity. Data from the container weighing system is sent via the crane cable to the crane PLC. The data can be integrated in the crane PLC logic and also transferred to other systems if such connections are available. This includes the Terminal Operating System (TOS) as an example of such a system.
Certification of a weighing system is generally required all around the world by national legislation, even though the details and procedure in each country may differ. Certification is carried out by regulatory authorities or independent third party institutes accredited by those authorities.
Certification of a weighing system cannot be done by an equipment supplier as certification includes not only the equipment itself but also the use, maintenance and calibration of the system.
The supplier can support and simplify the certification process by providing a Type Approval certificate. Type Approvals are issued by independent third parties – normally accredited from the regulatory authorities – who certifies that the system meets the standards and performance specified by the supplier.
The Bromma Container Weighing system has been assessed in an extensive type examination programme by an independent and accredited third part – SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden. The examination comprised a series of laboratory tests, documentation review, software evaluation and a field test. The Bromma Container Weighing system has thus been awarded an OIML R51 certificate as well as a 2014/32/EU (MID) certificate.